Monday, May 30, 2005

Ioffer Online Auction Ebay Alternitive

Hi I would like to introduce to you a fearly new option to selling online. It is now this marketplace works a bit different that ordinary online auction places such as ebay and overstock auctions. The difference is that you set the price and deals are made between you and buyer on purchase amount. You are in complete controll on what item sells for by rejecting offers you don't like and accepting offers you like. The great thing is that all item insertion is FREE and you auctomatically get a Ioffer online store FREE with a listing of 2 or more items. Take a look at my storeto see what you get.

Now the down side is that you don't get the number of hits you would on ebay auctions but Alexa is showing that traffic is continously growing all the time. Another great thing to mention about this online auction alternitive is that it works with ebay auctions, yahoo auctions, and other auctions. Ioffer has a tool that allows you to import all of your Ebay auction ads into ioffer automatically along with your feedback rating. NICE!!

Ioffer also automatically enters your ads into Google product search engine Froogle FREE. You don't have to do any data feeds, they do them for you.

This is a forum for more traffic, the opportunity for more sales along with you other online auction marketplaces you currently use. Someday it may be a major player in the online ecommerce business. It is something you just can not ignore.


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