Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ebay Stores Combining With Shopping.com?

After Ebay purchased the large and popular market place price comparison site Shopping.com talk about online auction giant ebay would have online ebay auction store item list in this new selling platform. As of right now ebay stores are not really receiving enough traffic to make respectible sales for some and the belief is that this merger may help increase ebay auction store activity. Now the question is if ebay does decide to do use Shopping.com to list auction store items, what if any will ebay charge for this new forum.

Shopping.com is similar to froogle were there is a list of items with competing pricing, you click on the item you want and then redirected to you online auction ad were purchase can be made. Shopping.com is a highly visted sight, and items when searched for show up in search engines ( google, yahoo, msn, etc. ).

I will keep my eye out for any news on this topic and will update my blog with any information I may find. This may help ebay stores build better traffic = more sales and I looking forward to this new marketing option.


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