Wednesday, August 24, 2005

FREE Wholesale Dropship Source for you Ebay Auctions!

Everybody serious about building there online Auctions business has to find a reliable source for the items they want to sell. Sure its great to sell the unwanted items you currently have in your home but once they are gone there gone. Now like myself you have to start planning on sourcing your items to keep your Online Auction business bringing in profits. I have attched a couple of great places to locate dropship wholesale suppliers for you to use in your Ebay, Overstock Auctions.
Go Wholesale
Wholesale 411

These two directories are the most used FREE Online Wholesale directories for Ebay and Ecommerce sellers.

Note: Always look into each company you choose from any one of these list to ensure there real Drop ship Wholesalers. Unlike World Wide Brands wich does a indepth screening before listing each company in there directory, there is a potential for a bad company to be listed in these FREE directories. But there are also alot of great dependible companies listed as well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

FREE Auction Trend Report What Is Selling And When to Sell It On Ebay?

Ebay has released a great FREE tool that shows Ebay buying trends month to month. A great way to evaluate what is selling and when is the best time to sell items. Take advantage of this market research report to improve your selling practices. Click Here Ebay Trend Report. Its FREE!

Monday, August 15, 2005

How To Get More Exposer To Your Ebay Online Auctions

Looking for a way to bring more attention to you online ebay auctions with paying any extra fees? This simple technique is easy, not talked about and in the guidlines according Ebay. Now I start buy explaining how auctions are displayed and listed online when search term is entered in ebay. The auctions closest to ending are listed before auctions that are new with a - example: a seven day auction. Ebay allows you to make as many updates to your online auctions as long as if the auction has zero bids and atleast 12 hours remaining on auction. So the idea is to bring your online auction items to the front of the line for more exposer. How do you do that? Start your auctions as one day auction. Keep track of the amount of time left being sure not to miss the 12 hour mark. If you have no bids revise auction to a 3 day auction. Again track the time remaining on your auction not to miss the 12 hour cut off. If no bids revise / extend to a five day auction, then to a seven day auction. You may not want to extend to a ten day auction seing that it increases your fee. This simple technique will keep your auction up front for a longer period of time than your compition. Resulting in more exposer which could equal more sales..

Try it out, I have implemented this technique to good results it may do the same for you.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Beware of Paypal Payments Listed as Uncomfirmed!

I have stumbled on a problem that seems to be the trend these days with Paypal payments listed as uncomfirmed. I have since changed the payment details on my Online Auction ads stating that any payment made by Paypal listed as unconfirmed must be updated to confirmed with in 10 days for item to ship. If account payment remains uncomfirmed after the 10 day period payment will be refunded and sale void.

What happens is items are paid for with either a bad, stolen credit card number or items is purposely purchased with CC that is not confirmed in Paypal account. So once you ship item out after receiving this Paypal payment and item is received by the so called customer a Charge back is placed against your account and Paypal does pretty much nothing to protect you. They take the funds out of your account, charge you for trying to keep the funds and your left with a loss. So keep an eye out for this growing scam, It only costs me a small lost ( thankfully ) but could have been much worse.

Make the proper adjustments as needed to your Online Auction ads. I got burned so you dont have to. I love Paypal but this problem could be something for them to work on and hopefully soon.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Overstock Online Auctions Expeariment Review Part 3

Ok after we started the small expeariment to veiw and look at Overstock Online Auctions as another selling platform the thought was how does it stand up to Ebay, but soon I realized that Overstock attracts a different type of shopper, offers a differnent type of selling format. Do I think that Overstock is worth it? The truth is YES! I beleive that you should never put all your eggs in one basket and with the changes Ebay is making - good or bad, having another marketing forum is a great idea.

Now my approach to Overstock Auctions will differ than that of Ebay the goal remains the same BUILDING MY BUSINESS.

I also took a look at Overstock Auctions costs + hits to my auction ads and what I found was that if you were to break down the visits to your ads + costs into a pay per click module the truth is that there isn't much of a differnce between the two.

I will continue to expeariment with Overstock Auctions and all they have to offer and will update information for others to follow and learn.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Overstock Auctions Expeariment Update Part 2

Well the results are in for week one with Overstock auctions selling expeariment. Auctions closed with zero sales, but hits looked promising so I have gone ahead and made a few adjustments to see if this helps close the sale. I extended the length of the online auction ad now having it close on a monday after noon. I was surprised to see that activity was head to head with the same ebay ad ( wich didn't sell ). I have made the same adjustment to the ebay auction ad. I will keep you updated with information, corrections etc. If I can prevent a mistake for you than it helped after all. If you have any pointers feel free to fill me in I will be more than happy to look at all angles to find a fit.